Unpublished lecture notes & talk notes
Knots, categories of tangles and the Kontsevich integral,
master class, Tokyo (2019).
Mapping class groups, braid groups and formality,
"Master de Mathématiques fondamentales", Strasbourg (2015).
A short introduction to mapping class groups,
"Master Class on Geometry", Strasbourg (2009).
A short introduction to the Alexander polynomial,
workshop "Représentations de Uq(sl2) et invariants d'Alexander", Grenoble (2008).
Une courte introduction aux invariants de Dijkgraff-Witten,
workshop "Journée Géométrie, Topologie et Physique", Strasbourg (2008).
Une introduction aux invariants de Chern-Simons,
working seminar G3 ("Groupe de Geunes Géomètres"), Strasbourg (2008).
Claspers and finite-type invariants of 3-manifolds,
cycle of lectures, Zürich (2005).
Part I
Part II
Part III