Past and forthcoming events
"Quatrième congrès national de la SMF",
Dijon (June 2025).
"Algebraic approaches to mapping class groups of surfaces",
Tokyo (May 2025).
"Summer school on low-dimensional topology, and AlMaRe conference",
Grenoble (June-July 2024).
"Mapping class groups: pronilpotent and cohomological approaches",
SwissMAP Research Station in Les Diablerets (September 2023).
"Fourth meeting of AlMaRe", Caen (January 2023).
"Third meeting of AlMaRe", Paris (January 2022).
Conference "Geometric and quantum topology (GDR Braids)", Dijon (September 2021).
"Second meeting of AlMaRe", on-line (April 2021).
"First meeting of AlMaRe", Dijon (January 2020).
One day on "Invariants of homology cylinders",
Dijon (September 2019).
"Topologie de basse dimension : colloque en l'honneur de Christian Blanchet",
Paris (June 2019).
Conference "Johnson homomorphisms and related topics",
Tokyo (May 2019).
Conference "L'IRMA fête son demi-siècle !",
Strasbourg (January 2016).
One day on "Mapping class groups of surfaces and automorphism groups of free groups",
Strasbourg (September 2014).
Conference "Groupes de difféotopie et topologie quantique",
Strasbourg (June 2012).
Conference "Groupes quantiques, catégorification et tresses :
conférence à l'occasion du 60ième anniversaire de Christian Kassel",
Strasbourg (September 2011).
84th Encounter between Mathematicians and Theoretical Physicists
"Quantum topology and Chern-Simons theory",
Strasbourg (September 2009).
"Journées ANR sur la Conjecture du Volume",
Strasbourg (September 2007).